So for Mom Bandong's Birthday this year we went to Courtney, BC on the Island and spent a few days. We rented a little house in the center of town called "The blueberry cottage" From there, we spend each of the three days that we were there doing site seeing. It rained most of the time we were there so we spent most of the time in museums not at the beach like we would have wanted. But we had a great time anyways!
Us on the ferry to Nanimo. We left very early in the morning and the only time we saw the sun was on the way to Courtney.

One of the museums that we visited was the air force museum in Comox. There they had an ejection seat that you could sit in...The kids thought that it was great.

We did stop off at a park near the beach when the weather cleared (okay it was just a break in the rain.....but it was still misty) We walked around and enjoyed the views. While we were there we came across a group of dear just sitting around. We were able to get really close to them and they just sat there. I was able to take a lot of great pictures without using the zoom len. You can see the dear in the background. We got a lot closer than this, but Mom didn't want to get too close.

On the last day, after not really being able to do much except for being inside, we decided to just live on the wild side and we went mini golfing in the pouring rain while we waited for the ferry we were booked in to take. Mom used an umbrella, but the rest of us just got soaked. It was fun!

And that was our trip to the Island!
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