Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Temple Youth Celebraton

With the Temple Opening the beginning of May, President Monson gave the go ahead for the youth of the stakes in the Temple district to have a special celebration to bring the youth closer together and to increase the love the youth have for the Temple. The celebration lasted for three days and ended with the youth performing a 90 minute production about the growth of the church in BC. It was a great performance.

Addie was in two groups. The 1st one was in the multicultural event in which she performed with a group doing a traditional dance from the Philippines called Tinikling. she did an awesome job despite being injured. During the practice on the Friday her foot was caught in the sticks and she came crashing down and sprained her ankle really bad. The 1st aid attendants put ice on her ankle and put it up, but when I picked her up that night she was unable to walk. Everyone figured that there was no way she would dance the next day because of the severity of the injury. When we got home, Ramon gave her a blessing in which she was promised that she would be able to dance. And dance she did, everyone who saw had bad she was injured were amazed that she was walking....let alone dancing..both at the rehearsal and the final performance this included the running off stage after each of her performances, running back stage to the changing area and getting changed for her next appearance... Though once everything was over she dropped and her ankle took three weeks for it to heal.

The second part of the show she was in was our stake performance where the girls were dressed in "flapper" dresses and did a little dance to a song that described what was happening during that time (the 30's) both in the church and out of the church.

They ended the program with all the youth on stage surrounding a temple that was raised while they all sang.

It was an awesome show and a great experience for the youth. The highlight was performing for the Prophet!

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