Monday, July 23, 2007


As for me...I am the keeper of ZOO. A really big job. In my spare time I....what spare time come to think about it. addition to running the zoo I do before and after school care for about 4 kids....was 6 but two are old enough to take care of themselves. I work p/t at Tom's Sewing Machine doing odds and ends, right now I am working on up-dating their web-site .....I am a Stampin' Up demonstrator and I am currently preparing to be a partisipant in the 1st anuual BC Creative Expo in Nov. I will be having a booth and teaching about 5 classes on scrapbooking and card making. I will also have a class on how to get organized.....yes I can be family just works against me. I will get a link to the show web-site up soon so you can check things out. At church I am teaching 12/13 year old Sunday School and love it. I have a great group of kids. I also was just called a few months ago as a Cub leader.....the jury is still out on that one. Well that is all I can think about at this time, will add more as things come up.....yes I am still Blonde....Carma got a hold of my hair and a bottle of colouring.....hoping to fix the Blonde it didn't work, still Blonde as ever and Addie is following in my foot steps! I am so proud of her.

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