Monday, July 30, 2007

Macie's 1st Chocolate Chip Cookie

Today Addie made homemade chocolate Chip cookies. They were really yummy. So Yummy that Macie wanted to try one, so we gave her a little peice, which turned into two, to three....ect. She had quite the look on her face when she tasted the chocolate...then this smile grew across her face......and another chocolate lover is born!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

An Afternoon at the park

This afternoon the rain finally stopped so we decided to go out and play at the park and get some fresh air. We went to Hawthorn Park. there Macie got to have a swing ride...okay several, she loves the swing. Nathaniel had fun throwing the football around with his he can throw that ball. He almost hit me and I was a distance from him. He threw it hard and straight. In between swing rides Macie got to go on the wiggle turtle. She is getting better with her balance as she was able to hold on and not fall off all by her self....she was so proud of that...that she smiled for the camera (what else is new!) Then it was back to the swing...this time Isabella was pushing Macie. Addie had her just a giggling because she was making funny noises when she would swing close to her. Then, for fun, Addie decided to take Macie to the water park...just to see if she would cry at the water, but nope. She got some drops on her head and put her hand in the water and was laughing. Maybe I need to bath her at the water park. Well that was our afternoon.

Monday, July 23, 2007


As for me...I am the keeper of ZOO. A really big job. In my spare time I....what spare time come to think about it. addition to running the zoo I do before and after school care for about 4 kids....was 6 but two are old enough to take care of themselves. I work p/t at Tom's Sewing Machine doing odds and ends, right now I am working on up-dating their web-site .....I am a Stampin' Up demonstrator and I am currently preparing to be a partisipant in the 1st anuual BC Creative Expo in Nov. I will be having a booth and teaching about 5 classes on scrapbooking and card making. I will also have a class on how to get organized.....yes I can be family just works against me. I will get a link to the show web-site up soon so you can check things out. At church I am teaching 12/13 year old Sunday School and love it. I have a great group of kids. I also was just called a few months ago as a Cub leader.....the jury is still out on that one. Well that is all I can think about at this time, will add more as things come up.....yes I am still Blonde....Carma got a hold of my hair and a bottle of colouring.....hoping to fix the Blonde it didn't work, still Blonde as ever and Addie is following in my foot steps! I am so proud of her.


Ramon, were to start? Well he is loving his job a JP Morgan Chase and has big plans of going far with the company. Most mornings he gets his exercise by running to work (we live about 6 miles from work). In his spare time he sometimes goes and helps a friend fix sewing machines...Ramon with tools.....he likes to play on the game cube, and his calling at church keeps him busy too. Not much else I can think about at this time.......and Addie says he is little weird. But then Nathaniel has to get it from somewhere.


On the 14 th of Dec....our little "surprise" was born. Miss Mercedes Concepcion Prince Bandong (Macie for short) was born at 7:45 am weighing 7lbs 11 oz. And what a blessing she has been. She has made her self at home the minute she was born, our world seams to revolve around her. She has a very quite spirit about her and is happy most of the time. Two weeks ago she got her 1st two teeth to add to that smile. Now she is working on crawling. She is not your usual she was born with blonde hair and blue eyes. to date her hair is still blonde and her eyes still have a blue tinge to them. Her biggest dislike is water. We put her anywhere near water or a bath tub and she screams like she is being murdered. We took her to the beach and got her feet wet, she was surprisingly we thought maybe she might like ocean water.......nope the next time we tried she screamed until we moved her away from the water.......she is a land lover...unlike her older sisters who we can't keep away from the water.


All I can say is that he did this for a cheese string! Addie was babysitting and Nathaniel wanted a cheese string, so Addie told him that if he dressed up like this, he would get he did! Life is never boring with Nathaniel around!

At a school family carnival, they had face painting....Doesn't Nathaniel look so adorable!

One thing that really bothered Nathaniel was that he had no one younger than him, so he prayed for two years to not be the youngest....thus we were surprised with a baby. Nathaniel was excited beyond description....he couldn't wait until his little brother was born....but he got a little sister. He was disappointed for about 30 seconds, then his little mind started to work on how he could use Macie to torment his older sisters.....He loves Macie so very much and is very protective of her. I pity anyone who tried to hurt her......boys watch out...don't mess with his little sister! PS...Nathaniel still tells us we are not done having kids until he gets his little brother!....and judging by those 1st pictures...he may need one


This is Isabella. She is a very interesting girl. This year she stepped out side her comfort zone and entered a project in the school science fair. She did a project on density. A great little project for grade 2. Her teacher was very proud of her effort and project.

This year her class has swimming lessons. Isabella begged for goggles because her eyes were sore from swimming . I found a pair and she wore them.....always on the top of her head like a fashion statement! Her eyes still hurt, but at least she looked cool!

This was a special year for Isabella as she was Baptized on the 10th of June. We have had a lot of baptism in our building and the meeting is usually held in the Relief Society room. Well Little Miss Popular had so many people come that we had to move to the chapel because there was not enough room in the relief Society room. She was very happy to see all the smiling faces there to support her in her decision and to help her celebrate. She loved the dress that I made for her....she better, sewing pretty prima dona dresses is not my specialty. If I thought I was gray before...........

Isabella enjoys having a little sister around. She can't wait until we move, because she will most likely get to share a room with Macie. For now that is an excitement. I give her until Macie is 2 and getting into everything of hers that Isabella changes her mind about sharing a room!


For the up-dates, we will start with Addie. This past June marked the end of her elementary years. She moved from grade 7 and will be starting High School next year. My baby is growing up fast. She just got back from YW camp this past Friday. She had a lot of fun...even though she was eaten alive from the bugs. She is great help with her little brother and sisters, especially with Macie. Her Favorite music is anything that she can dance to. She loves to watch teen chick movies like "A Cinderella Story" and "Raise Your Voice" She spends a lot of time reading...her favorite are mysteries like her mom. Addie thinks it would be cool to be a spy when she grows up.

Addie this year sang in her school talent show with her friend Ariel. They sang a song from "Raise Your Voice" And she did a wonderful job. Addie is become quite the little singer, with a very pretty voice. She is asked to sing a lot at church things.

Addie's favorite term is "That's disturbing" She is disturbed by many things....and this is the look that goes along with that. If you want to sum Addie's life up right now with one word, that word would be "disturbed" She is 13 and Disturbed!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Our New Blog

Well We are now part of the "blog" world. And here is our very 1st post. I will post a recent picture of all and a little "profile" of each person. For the 1st post I will include a picture of Macie riding "horsey" on Nathaniel's back...then smiling for the camera. She is such a cuttie.