Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Macie in the snow

Macie had fun! She liked having a snowball fight with Nathaniel, though she couldn't make a ball and the loose snow just flew back in her face, but it was fun. Addie tried to take her down the sled hill, but some how the sled was left at the top of the hill and Macie used Addie as a sled down the hill. It was funny!

Oh the snow!!!!!!

We have had so much snow the past couple of weeks its not even funny! In a two week span we received about 70+ cms in our front yard! Enough for the kids to build their own sledding
hill. And snow fort. They have had a blast playing in the snow.

Latest Family Picture

Sorry it's been a while since I have posted. Things were a little busy. I will try to do better this next year.

In September we went to a local park and had a cute family picture taken. This is the best one...as someone was not co-operating......and it wasn't the baby!